Via Dinarica – Transversal Kosovo
The ViA Dinarica is an old network of mountain trails, entailing an ancient history of communication between different settlements stretching through Accursed Mountains. They are a continuity of the Balkans mountain trails that enter Kosovo from Montenegro and Albania in western territories of the country, stretching along mountains of Peja, Deçan and Junik.
The Dinaric trails in the territory of Kosovo connect naturally to the local natural and cultural resources, starting from crossroads and accesses that connect on the territory of Montenegro and Albania.
Hike Trail
The Dinaric trails in the territory of Kosovo connect naturally to the local natural and cultural resources, starting from crossroads and accesses that connect on the territory of Montenegro and Albania. Suitable crossroads connecting to the Montenegrin network (starting from the north-western points of the mountain range) are the following passes: Rusolia, Ahmica; Hajla, Dermandoli; Qafa e Dasmorëve; Çakorr; Qafa e Drerit; Qafa e Zavojit të Plavës; and Bogiqa Pass. While crossroads connecting Kosovo with Albanian network (starting from three-country border along western points of the range are the following passes: Bogiqa, Batusha, Qafe Prush, Qafe Morina. Thus, there are many suitable areas for interaction between the two countries. Along the trail you will come across natural and cultural natural and cultural heritage sights, people, tradition and unrepeatable natural landscapes looking into horizons of Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania.
Bike Trail
The MTB Trail is over 100 km long that crosses in the western part of Kosovo through unique mountain and rural landscapes, pastures, cultural sites, new and old shepherd and travelers ruts across the National Park “Accursed Mountains” connecting north east Montenegro with north Albania.
The Mountain Bike in the VIP of Dinaric Alps stretches over rural and mountainous territory of Peja, Decani, and Junik Municipalities. Although, the cycling can start from both ends, the following is a short description of locations through which it passes from north towards south end of the trail.
Recent news
OBAVESTENJE 25-26.04.2017
Dnodnevna obuka namenjena pružaocima usluga tokom Vip Dinarica planinarenja I biciklističke ture u okviru projekta “Via Peaks of Dinaric-ViP Dinarica”...
Njoftim 25-26.04.2017
Trajnimi dy ditor I dedikuar për ofruesit e shërbimeve gjatë shëtitjes Dinarica dhe të shtegut biciklor në kuader të projektit...
PRESS RELEASE 25-26.04.2017
Two-day training intended to service providers along ViP Dinarica hiking and biking trail withing the project „Via Peaks of Dinaric...
OBAVEŠTENJE – Podgorica, 25.04.2017
Radionica za članove Upravljačke grupe staza ViP Dinarica nazvana “Odredište menadžmenta I marketinga- Modul II ” biće održana 11. i...